2023 Anglican Schools Cup

1 September 2023

Connecting through sport with the Anglican Schools Cup

St Peter’s Woodlands welcomed Pulteney Grammar School, St Johns Grammar School and Investigator College to compete in the Anglican Schools Cup. It was a fantastic day, with terrific weather and a great sense of community spirit.

The aim of the event is to connect with other Anglican schools and enable the students an opportunity for competition netball and touch football and the chance to compete for the Karen Whelan Cup and SPW Cup.

It was also fantastic to see two SPW Old Scholars return as our netball umpires, thank you Kate, Class of 2017 and Zephyr, Class of 2020.

Congratulations to St Johns Grammar who won the Touch Football SPW Cup for the second year running!

The Karen Whelan Cup which is named after an SPW teacher who started the Netball School of Excellence in 2012 was this year won by St Peter’s Woodlands Netball Development Squad. Well done SPW!

For the first time the Anglican Schools Cup also included an inaugural Boys Netball trophy which was won by Pulteney Grammar School.

A big thank you to our PFA who provided all of our very hungry teams with a sausage sizzle for lunch, which was a huge hit.


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