Term Dates

Term dates and school times for 2024 and beyond.

Term Dates


Term 1 Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April
Term 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June (Pupil Free Day - Friday 6 June)
Term 3 Tuesday 22 July to Friday 26 September
Term 4 Monday 13 October to Wednesday 10 December

School times

Please note: Students who are on school grounds before 8.15am and after 3.45pm must attend Out of School Hours Care unless they are attending an organised school activity.

School Times

8.15am Supervision begins
8.30am Home group commences
10.55am Recess
11.20am Recess ends
12.50pm Lunch - Eating time
1.00pm Lunch - Playtime
1.40pm Lunchtime ends
3.15pm Students dismissed
3.45pm Supervision finishes

Coffee Catch Ups

Join your SPW friends for a coffee at our coffee catch ups where we have a coffee van on site for morning drop off!

Term 1

Friday Coffee Van, Braested Oval Week 3 - Friday 14 February
Friday Coffee Van, Braested Oval Week 5 - Friday 28 February
Clean Up Australia Day Sunday 2 March
Friday Coffee Van, Braested Oval and Discover Reception Tour and Morning Tea Week 7 - Friday 14 March
Friday Coffee Van, Braested Oval, ELC Open Day Week 10 - Friday 4 April
Thursday Coffee Van, Years 3-6 Cross Country Week 11 - Thursday 10 April
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