SPW Reads – Book Week 2023

29 September 2023

Everybody knows about the fabulous Book Week parade, but there is so much more on offer during Book Week at SPW.

It was a week of fabulous activities and learning, with our students exploring the shortlisted books, promoting a true love of reading. In the lead up to Book Week, with the theme of Read, Grow, Inspire students analysed the shortlisted books in the Early Childhood and Picture Book categories so they could judge the story and illustrations, before suggesting a winner, just like the Book Week judges. They explored the other categories too and read as many book as they could, to vote for the best books.

Becoming Book Judges
This year we also joined The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Shadow Judging program which operates across Australia. A group of Year 6 students met at lunchtimes to delve deeper into the Picture Book Category, using the actual Book Week judge’s criteria. They made their submission to CBCA about who they thought should win as well as developed a creative response to one or more of the books.

“Shadow Judging is an amazing experience where you read the selected Book Week books and hear about different perspectives on a particular book each week. ‘ – Arabelle, Year 6

Reading Challenge
During Book Week we launched our SPW Reads initiative, and the drone footage was fantastic. Watch here 

Each class also received a Reading Tree to add leaves with the titles of all the books they were reading. Prizes were awarded to the class in each year level with the most books read during Book Week. The Library will follow up with more incentives at the end of term and the end of the year because, SPW Reads.

Lunchtime Activities 
The Library was abuzz with so many enthusiastic children coming in at lunchtimes during Book Week. They engaged with the shortlisted books through competitions, craft, stories and book creation. One of the big areas of excitement was the bookmaking table where students made lots of mini books for their mini home libraries! The craft relating to the shortlisted books was also very popular as were all the competitions.

The Family Challenge
The Family Challenge was new this year as a way for parents to enjoy the fun of Book Week with their children through an outdoor scavenger hunt that linked with the shortlisted books. Thank you to all the families who took part and congratulations to the Boman family who won the family cinema pass!

We finished the week with our Book Character/Book Week Theme Parade to announce the books that won. As always it was a great day with much excitement.

Next year’s Book Week Theme is Reading is Magic… and we can’t wait to do it all again!

Article shared by Annette Mesecke & Mhairi Alcorn

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