SPW Swimming Carnival

27 August 2024

Sturt House Triumphs in a Close Contest as Students Embrace Team Spirit

The Year 4 to 6 Swimming Carnival, held at Immanuel College Pool on a Friday morning was a vibrant and exhilarating day in our school community.

Students from all four houses—Eyre, Flinders, Light, and Sturt—competed fiercely across various events, showcasing not only their swimming abilities but also their resilience and sportsmanship. The atmosphere was electric, with parents, teachers, and classmates cheering on every race. The students showed a wonderful spirit of camaraderie, especially during the relays, where they truly came together as teams. It was heartwarming to see the encouragement and support from the older students to the younger ones, making it a day where the entire SPW community shone.

The results were extremely close, with Sturt emerging victorious with an impressive 548 points, followed closely by Eyre House with 543 points. The competition was tight, and while Flinders and Light didn’t claim the top spots, they gave it their all with 441 and 439 points, respectively. Beyond the scores, the day highlighted the values of participation and effort that we continue to encourage. At the swimming carnival, students showed real courage by stepping up to compete, often pushing themselves into unfamiliar and challenging events. Their willingness to embrace discomfort and give their best effort made the day special, highlighting their growth as athletes and individuals.

2024 was the first swimming carnival where records were taken, so all students who won their event in the fastest time set a new school record—a huge achievement!

Every student, whether swimming or supporting, played a crucial role in making the carnival such a success. Special thanks go to our Year 6 students and those not swimming, who volunteered as timekeepers and demonstrated outstanding community spirit. A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers, staff, and spectators—your contributions ensured a day that will be fondly remembered by all and would not have been possible without your assistance.

SPW Swimming Carnival Results
House              Score
Sturt                 548
Eyre                 543
Flinders            441
Light                439

Article shared by Tom Mitton, Head of PE and Sport

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