Our Team

We are privileged to be entrusted with one of your child’s most important life journeys.

Meet our team

At SPW we are privileged to be entrusted with one of your child’s most important life journeys – the journey of education.

Our goal is to work with parents as partners, providing a secure educational and moral foundation for your child so that they will grow up to enjoy a successful and meaningful life.

  • Sarah Noell

    Deputy Principal/Head of Early Years

  • Lisa Harris

    Head of Teaching, Learning and Innovation

  • David Brock

    Business Director

  • Kate Hockley

    Director of Human Resources

  • Paul Mesecke

    School Community Coordinator

  • Stephanie Eustice

    School Psychologist

  • Mark DeLaine

    Head of Creative Arts

  • Tom Mitton

    Head of PE and Sports

  • Rev'd Andrew Mintern

    School Chaplain

  • Virginia Files

    ELC Director

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