Backflips Against Bullying

12 June 2024

Empowering Students Through Movement and Education

We welcomed Backflips Against Bullying to the school for three energetic and powerful performances. The Backflips Against Bullying program offers a powerful and engaging approach to tackle the issue of bullying in schools. By combining dynamic performances with educational content, it sparks important discussions, instills resilience, and promotes empathy among students.

Reception to Year 2
Firstly Reception to Year 2 children delighted in the amazing acrobatics of Luca and Christian. They cleverly turned their actions into a discussion and demonstration on:

  • What is bullying?
  • Cyber bullying, verbal bullying and physical bullying

Key messaging from the show included:

  • It is never okay to make yourself feel good by making others feel bad
  • The importance of putting devices down and having real life play
  • What is a rumour? Don’t feed the fire, pour water on it
  • How to beat bullying…. Stay calm, be kind
  • What is resilience?

Year 3 to Year 4
The next session was for our Year 3 and 4 classes and in addition to the above topics the following was shared:

  • How to text appropriately
  • The importance of reporting bullying
  • How to make a difference as a bystander

Year 5 and Year 6
The last session for our Year 5 and 6 students looked further into cyber bullying with Luca and Christian sharing some deeply moving personal stories which captivated the students.

We encourage families to talk with their children about the performance and for further information on this please visit:

Online Safety:

Action Education:


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