Combined Anglican Schools Service

27 June 2024

Uniting in Faith: St Peter’s Woodlands Leaders Join Anglican Schools for Service and Reflection at St Peter’s Cathedral

28 St Peter’s Woodlands leaders from Year 5 and Year 6 travelled to St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide to partake in combined service and reflection activities with leaders from the other 11 Anglican schools in Adelaide. The grandeur of the Cathedral struck each of the students and they were so excited to get the chance to explore the space with each of the different activities.

The Combined Anglican Schools Service is an opportunity for students from a variety of schools to come together and learn how others respect and worship the same God.

The theme this year was, ‘Experiencing Calm in the Midst of Chaos’. In mixed groups of students from all 12 schools, the children undertook 5 short activities around the Cathedral including:

  • Get to know other student’s game
  • Reading the language of photos and creating prayers
  • Hearing the story of how Jesus calmed the wind and sea for his disciples
  • Learning a dance
  • Singing two catchy songs

The day ended with a service involving all school leaders led by the Archbishop of Adelaide. Our own Rev’d Tracey organised and officiated the day and the students were so happy to see her along with Rev’d Andrew and previous SPW Principal, Mr Prance!

Student highlights:

“Just the atmosphere in the church was amazing.” – Molly

“I drew a fish to represent the rough seas that Jesus’ calmed.” – Harry

“I really liked the big service at the end of the day.” – William

Reverend highlights:

“It is one of the highlights of our chaplain’s year as we plan the service together and use our different gifts to create a service that we hope connects to the young people in our schools”. – Rev’d Tracey

“I was in the singing practice group – the SPW students all sang really well and approached the day very positively even when surrounded by students who were sometimes a bit older than them.” – Rev’d Andrew

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