Students vote for playground design

28 June 2024

From Ideas to Reality: Year 3 Students Design and Vote on New Playground at St Peter’s Woodlands

Last year students in Year 3 embarked on an exciting project during their Digital Technology lessons with Ms Lewis. They conducted a survey to gather input on what elements their peers would like to see in a new Year 3 and 4 playground. After collecting the suggestions, the students designed their own playgrounds using Maker Space and even created 3D printed models of their designs.

Project Imagination 
This project utilised their learning about the engineering design process moving through the stages of ask, imagine, plan, create and improve. Once the students had finished their design our Business Director, David Brock, took these innovative ideas to a playground company, which developed two concept designs based on the students’ input.

The final vote
The students from Years 2, 3, and 4 were presented with two design options and had the opportunity to exercise their student voice and vote on their favorite concept. With a whooping 79.7% students voting for option 2 we are thrilled to reveal the winning design – featuring a flying fox, tube slide, monkey bars and other rope obstacle courses. The playground will be constructed over the Christmas break and those students involved in the design process will have the honour of being the first to play on the new equipment. The students should feel really proud of putting their imaginative ideas forward which ultimately influenced the two concepts.

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