Year 3 Author in Residence

10 August 2023

Literature link to our identity, creativity and wellbeing unit

Our Year 3 students experienced the amazing opportunity of having a visit from published author (and SPW parent) Chanelle Gosper, who shared her beautiful book, ‘Little Treasure’.

The book centres around a mother and daughter exploring a deserted beach on a windy day – an afternoon that they’ll both treasure always. This is a poetic book about how the small moments spent together are often the most precious. Chanelle improvised with props to spark the students’ imagination, played engaging games and captivated our attention with a reading of ‘Little Treasure’.

Afterward, the students asked questions where they learned more about the writing process, Chanelle’s passion for writing and how she came to be an author. We focused on the importance of a sense of belonging and connection, in promoting mental health and wellbeing. A very big thanks to Chanelle for sharing your time with us!

Here are some quotes from our students:

  • I really enjoyed the book because it was about things you treasure. There are so many things that different people might treasure  – Evelyn
  • I enjoyed when the author explained the meaning behind her story and that you can find treasure in different places and things – Charlie
  • I enjoyed the author visit as it made me realise you can find treasure in everything in the world – Sterling
  • It made me realise that not matter where we look in life we can always find treasure in things, especially in our memories with loved ones – Matilda F
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