Junior Primary Fun Run

30 June 2023

The rain was no determent for the Junior Primary Fun Run

On the last morning of Semester 1, parents, grandparents and friends joined the Junior Primary students for the annual Fun Run. The morning is to encourage physical activity in a fun and enjoyable way to promote healthy lifestyles.

With a track set up around the school participants were challenged to run or walk as many laps as they could in a thirty minute period. Despite the cold and rain, families came together with a positive, can do attitude to show their support either on the sidelines or track. It was fantastic to see so many participants doing their best, the level of determination was contagious – when the children see their role models valuing physical activity, they are encouraged to go that extra bit further. Children see, children do.

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” – John Ruskin

We were proud to witness the determination and perseverance of our students, even when the light rain persisted and the track got a little muddy in parts. It’s a big lesson for them that just like the show must go on, so must the sporting event.

A big thank you to the Year 6 students and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 teachers who demonstrated such great leadership, guiding and encouraging participants around the track and handing out stickers for each lap completed.

Stay calm and keep active!

Article shared by Alastair Dow and Fleur Kennedy

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