Positive Minds Australia Parent Resource

30 June 2023

Approximately 200 parents packed into St Margaret’s Chapel to listen to one of Australia’s leading experts on mental health and wellbeing, Madhavi Nawana Parker.

Madhavi, from Positive Minds Australia, spoke genuinely about the everyday challenges of raising children in today’s busy world. As we head back into Term 3 we thought it would be timely to share Madhavi’s top 5 reminders for supporting children through big feelings for parents/caregivers.

Top 5 Reminders:

  1. You’re doing great and better than you realise or give yourself credit for.
  2. Anxiety is anxiety’s fault, not yours. So it’s you and your child, against the challenge together.
  3. Big feelings = small thinking. Emotions are contagious and co-regulating is the quickest ticket to a calmer kid. Then when they are calmer (by using your calm) their thinking will switch back on. Feelings and thinking are like oil and water – they don’t mix!
  4. The neurological marker of good mental health is a strong connection between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. The passage of time after a difficult event, with your love, support and compassion is far better than fixing a problem for your child or moving them on without acknowledging they are having a hard time. They need to get calm through a self regulation tool, to make that brain connection – not by someone else taking the hard situation away etc.
  5. Make sure they are getting enough sleep, routine, movement and thoughts of hope, joy and gratitude every day. The negative bias makes us all think about what’s wrong, we want to stay focused also on what’s right as well as our hopes and dreams.

Parent Feedback
It was a highlight to host Madhavi for the evening and the positive feedback from parents who attended was overwhelming. Here are few quotes from those who attended:

“A very big thank you, for giving us the opportunity to hear from the incredible Madhavi last night.  I think I speak for everyone in saying we could’ve sat there for hours listening to Madhavi!  I took away some really valuable tips and looking forward to seeing the slide deck when it’s available. Thank you for all that SPW does, to give our children the best possible opportunity to thrive.  Your efforts are so appreciated!!” – Kylie Buberis

“Thanks very much to SPW for organising Madhavi to come and speak last night. And for the drinks and nibbles and the work and effort that goes into providing that as well. Madhavi was so insightful and practical. She really is very engaging and I felt she could read my mind at times! It was terrific to see so many people in the room benefitting from her knowledge and experience.” – Kate Hobart

“I just wanted to pass on my thanks for organising the Parent Information evening with Madhavi last night. It was very informative – I wish I’d organised a babysitter so Steve could have come too! Next time.” – Lauren Locke

More Information
To find out more about St Peter’s Woodlands partnership with Positive Minds Australia, click here.

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