From the Principal – Building Update

10 August 2023

An update on Building progress from the Principal

While the school grounds were quiet with our students on holiday break our grounds team were busy coordinating some of our minor building projects and overseeing some major ones as well.

You may have noticed that our previously dark green Partridge Street gates and fence were stripped back, treated for rust and given a fresh coat of black paint which served the dual purpose of updating the Partridge Street fencing to compliment our new Pier Street fencing and entrance, as well as extending the longevity of the current fence.  An additional fence just inside the Nutter Thomas garden was added, providing greater security for children at OSHC and during break times.

The stairs in the St Margaret’s Chapel which had threadbare carpet, have now been re-carpeted.  This sounds simple, however it has been in the planning phases for just over 12 months due to needing to meet the building code and the difficulty of finding trades who are able to work with curved stairs and rises.

Year 5 & 6 classrooms (Gillam Building) are now well underway.  Although disappointing that they will not be ready for our Year 6 students this year, we are planning on them being ready in early 2024.  As many of you are aware, building in the current climate of trades, services and building supply shortages means that delays are inevitable. Thankfully at SPW we have space to ensure our students are temporarily relocated to well-appointed learning spaces.

Planning for our theatre, sport and multi-purpose centre (Baddams Hall) is currently well underway with the architect who will be presenting two different design options to our School Council in the coming weeks. This project is moving along nicely and will get underway in the early part of next year.  As the biggest building project SPW has ever undertaken, it will be so exciting to watch the vision of this extraordinary facility come to fruition.

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