A peek into the life of Wilbur

24 May 2024

A peek into the life of Wilbur: Training Update

Wilbur is now 10 months old and he has graduated from Puppy school. He continues to be trained by his core group of carers through the Dogs Connect Mentorship program.

Wilbur has learnt the following commands and actions: sit, lie down, come, give, leave it and he is mostly responding to his name.

One of the areas that Wilbur needs some support with is being friendly to other dogs. In the coming weeks he and his Primary carer are undertaking a 4 week training program to help develop his socialisation skills. To support Wilbur in this area we will ensure he is not outside before and after school when other dogs come onsite. We need community support to please ensure dogs are off site by 8.30am so Wilbur can begin his work and again by 3.45pm.

All classes have mastered the 3 expectations for ensuring Wilbur is calm and comfortable at school. We are now teaching the Essential Learning for each class with Wilbur learning to relax in classes for short periods of time.

We are looking forward to celebrating Wilbur’s 1st birthday in July.

Article shared by Sarah Noell, Head of Early Years and Deputy Principal

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