Camp – Years 2, 3, 4

29 September 2023

Building resilience, confidence and life-long memories.

St Peter’s Woodlands camps and outdoor education programs are designed with age-appropriate activities to encourage children to build positive relationships with their peers and teachers and grow their confidence and resilience. This term has been busy with three year levels out adventuring and facing challenges head on. The Year 2s enjoyed a special sleepover in the Baddams Hall, the Year 3s travelled to Woodhouse for two days and the Year 4s experienced three days exploring Willow Creek.

Year 2 Sleepover
The Year 2 students discovered Baddams Hall transformed into a snuggly haven, with fairy light adorned teepees, ready for a big group sleepover. The children enjoyed making dream catchers and decorating popcorn bags before getting cosy to watch a movie and eat popcorn. The first school camp experience for students can bring a few nerves, but the children did a great job of ‘getting comfortable with being a little uncomfortable’.

Their teachers were so proud of them taking care of one another, it was definitely a team effort. In the morning the children woke to met their parents in the school yard and enjoy a warm breakfast together cooked by PFA volunteers. Thank you to the teachers and PFA volunteers for providing such a special and nurturing first camp experience for our students.

Year 3 Camp
In late August, the Year 3 students travelled to Woodhouse campsite in the Adelaide Hills for two fantastic days of adventure. The children were blessed with perfect weather as they got stuck into lots of outdoor adventures, including Challenge Hill, tube slide, damper cooking, disc golf.

For some children it was their first night away from family. Their positive attitude despite feeling tired or homesick was as admirable as their friends’ support and kindness. The children came home exhausted but content.

Year 4 Camp
In midSeptember, our Year 4 students travelled to Willow Creek Adventure Camp near Victor Harbor situated on an 800 acre working farm called ‘Koolah’.  To prepare for camp the Year 5 students visited the Year 4 students and shared their camp experiences. Students used a Thinking Routine: ‘I used to think… Now I think’ to reflect on their camp experience and how their thinking changed with issues that worried them.

The Year 4 students set off and had an action-packed adventure paddling in Zodiac Boats, a Beach Scavenger Hunt and competing in Beach Olympics. Students learned skills for life through bush survival, raft building and delving into the world of fresh water ecology whilst fishing for yabbies.

“What I found fun was the night walk because we got to see different animals and stars.” – Year 4 student

The classroom was certainly quieter on Monday with many students (and teachers) still recovering from camp. We congratulate students once again for their resilience, collaboration and problem solving skills demonstrated whilst on camp.


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