Clean Up Australia at SPW

15 February 2024

Join us for Clean Up Australia Day

RSVP Here 

Let’s Clean Up our local environment and make a real difference on Sunday 3 March, Clean Up Australia Day.

The St Peter’s Woodlands community is invited to gather at the school and roll up their sleeves to ensure our school and local community is free from rubbish and is a healthy environment for plants, animals and creatures to thrive. On the day there will be several options to help out:

  • Local Street Clean Up – armed with gloves, buckets and tongs wander the local streets and collect rubbish which could otherwise end up in our oceans.
  • Nature Play Garden Beds – tidy our garden beds ready for the student SPW Gardening Club who will be maintaining the beds throughout the year.
  • Recyclables Depot – if you have access to a trailer the school has a collection of 10c recyclables to be dropped at the depot. Proceeds will be used to help fund SPW environmental initiatives.

Date: Sunday 3 March
9:30am – 11:30am

Location: St Peter’s Woodlands, near St Margaret’s Chapel
What to bring: Gloves, tongs and buckets
(The school has a small number of supplies, but not enough for all attending)

Water $2
Juice boxes $2
Coffee van will be onsite
The PFA will provide a yummy treat to all children attending.

RSVP: Please RSVP by 27 February, we want to know you are coming so we can cater for the day.

Let’s give back to our beautiful surroundings and help clean up the neighbourhood.



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