Positive Behaviour for Learning at SPW

10 August 2023

Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy at St Peter’s Woodlands

Wellbeing is an important aspect in developing the whole child at St Peter’s Woodlands and a key component of our teaching and learning frameworks Project RISE and the DARE Graduate Diploma.

We encourage parents to take the time to read our new Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy which has been developed over the past semester in consultation with industry experts, staff, parents, and students.

The policy replaces our previous Behaviour Management policy which was based on a reactive approach to responding to behaviour. Learning emotional and behavioural regulation skills is like learning any other skill – children need to be explicitly taught how to do this. Consequently, our focus has shifted to supporting students to learn the skills that they need to successfully navigate through challenges they may face. Making sure that behavioural expectations at school are clearly outlined also helps all members of the school community to feel confident in knowing the type of culture we are aiming to foster at SPW.

At school we understand the importance of fostering a positive school culture aligned to our vision. At SPW, our vision is to nurture our students to be happy, creative, educated young people who care for others and make a positive difference in the world.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is a proactive approach that focuses on providing students with the knowledge and tools to assist them to act in a way that demonstrates care and respect for themselves, for others, and for the school environment. Building strong relationships is at the heart of this approach. When mistakes are made, these relationships help us get back on track. The PB4L policy focuses on repairing relationships and finding ways to make amends when a relationship is significantly impacted. These are life-long skills that our students will carry with them into adulthood.

When Positive Behaviour for Learning is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:

  • Feeling confident knowing how to navigate a variety of social situations, including how to problem solve through tricky situations
  • Reduced mistakes in behaviour
  • Increased time focused on instruction
  • Improved social-emotional wellbeing
  • Positive relationships among staff and students
  • Support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to students needs
  • A predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time

Students in Reception to Year 6 have been introduced to the expectations for behaviour in the classroom, in the yard, around the school and online and how they will be supported in a restorative way if mistakes are made. These expectations are very similar to what would have been discussed previously in class as part of the class essential agreement. However, we now have a clear and consistent language that is being used across the school as a whole.

We understand that every member of the school brings a unique contribution to the SPW community. Each of us has strengths and skills that require support. The PB4L policy reflects the understanding there can be a mismatch between an individual’s current skills and the expectations of the environment. Consequently, working with the individual and key members of their support team to identify how to address this mismatch is the most useful course of action. The PB4L approach is inclusive of all members of the school community and recognises that a diverse toolbox of strategies is needed to support each person to thrive.

The policy will guide our practice moving forward. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your support in working together to provide consistency in the messaging which surround our young students as they develop the skills to build positive relationships.

Positive Behaviour for Learning Policies can be found under Policies on our website



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