Principal’s Update Term 4

3 November 2023

Term 4 has got off to a flying start!

Year 6 Ambassadors 
Our Year 6 students enjoyed a four day Canberra trip in Week 1. I was incredibly proud to hear that yet again, the character, manners and engagement of students from St Peter’s Woodlands was remarked upon at every venue they attended, including the accommodation. What wonderful ambassadors for St Peter’s Woodlands!

100 Years of Education 
On Saturday October 21, we welcomed over 300 old scholars back to SPW to celebrate 100 Years of Education on the Partridge Street site. What an incredible legacy left by the Law Smith family all those years ago. We remain committed to preserving and nurturing these exceptional grounds and growing outstanding individuals that will go forth and make a positive difference in the world!

Grounds and Building Progress 
It has been a busy time for our fabulous grounds team and for Business Manager, David Brock. Despite a delayed start, the Year 5 and 6 classrooms are well underway and starting to take shape nicely. We are particularly excited about the planned walkway connecting this building to the lift access outside the music suite, a step towards ensuring our school is accessible to everyone.

We are currently overhauling our irrigation system, which although is underground and therefore out of site, a vital project to eliminate leaks and conserve valuable water on the property. The upgrade of the school WIFI capability is progressing well, promising significant improvements in digital technologies for both teachers and students. Our school architect has been working with the council to discuss the heritage considerations of the Theatre, Sports and Multi-purpose Centre, ensuring a sensitive approach. We are very close to being able to submit plans to the council and will keep the community informed of the progress.

Parent/Caregiver Survey
Thank you to those that took the time to participate in the Parent/Caregiver survey. The results have been compiled and it has been wonderful to see that the school has high levels of satisfaction with the quality of our excellent teachers, school grounds, curriculum, learning opportunities, and the support and guidance provided to our students. Recently, I hosted a Think Tank to brainstorm ideas for areas that were identified as opportunities for improvement.

The Musical 
Although this is a Term 4 Newsletter, it would be remiss of me not to mention The Little Mermaid, Jr. that took place in Week 10 of Term 3. I have had so much incredible feedback about the quality of the performances, costumes and set design. The hours and hours of work and dedication from the performers and members of staff did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Bravo to all involved and thank you for going above and beyond!

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