Showing 19-24 of 218

  • Backflips Against Bullying

    ...which captivated the students. We encourage families to talk with their children about the performance and for further information on this please visit: Online Safety: Action Education:

  • Term 2 - Principal's Wrap Up

    ...though we needed to look no further than our SPW community. We have such an invested and enthusiastic community, it felt right to combine this day with a Grandparents Day,...

  • ELC Community Connections

    ...project, ‘Community Views’. Together with their families, the children photographed a special place in our local community and Adelaide surrounds. They shared their photos with each other and reflected on...

  • Japanese Exchange Program host a student. Even though it is only one week, you will find strong bonds that’s will hopefully last for a lifetime. Article shared by Skye Baldacchino, (Sensei)...

  • Foundation

    Helping to make St Peter’s Woodlands the best possible school for current and future students.

  • 100 Year Celebrations

    ...the amazing community. There is nothing quite like it and we feel so grateful to be part of such a supportive and tight knit community! Every morning coming into the...

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