Our Student Leaders headed to St Peter’s Cathedral for the Combined Anglican Schools Service.

The Senior Anglican School Chaplain, Rev’d Tracey, taught students yoga prayers which involved the students stretching their bodies in different poses whilst praying. SPW students led the final yoga prayer for the service with much enthusiasm and excitement.
Another activity that was well received by the students was the making of origami hearts, which reflected who and what the body of Christ means to them. As they displayed the hearts around the Cathedral the students become more familiar with the building and later learnt the significance of St Peter’s Cathedral and how special it is.

Thank you Rev’d Michele Yuen
We thank Rev’d Michele Yuen for her compassion, care and positive energy she has so generously given the school and the wider community. Rev’d Michele Yuen has served on the chaplaincy team at SPW since mid 2019 and been a fantastic spiritual leader, especially in adapting chapel when COVID restricted large group gatherings. She has been instrumental in introducing the Youth Alpha program to the DARE diploma and also being a Seasons for Growth leader in the school. She has also served in the Glenelg Anglican parish since the beginning of 2017. She leaves us at the end of this term to take up her new role and we wish her the very best on this next adventure. We will miss her and her gorgeous dog, Jessie and we hope SPW is always considered a home to them both.