PYP Year 5 Exhibition

9 September 2022

Year 5 students excelled at sharing their learning at the PYP Exhibition last week. It was truly a celebration of learning.

As collaborative inquirers, the students successfully investigated how ‘Creativity Influences Change’, through the theme, ‘How We Express Ourselves’.

The 17 Global Goals for sustainable development were used to evoke their inquiry. Students selected the goal that interested them the most. Working in groups with the same global goal they wrote their conceptual lines of investigation.

Applying research, self- management, communication, social and thinking skills collaboratively, students used the inquiry cycle to acquire new knowledge and understandings.

Students shared their knowledge and understanding through a variety of written pieces, Art, Design Technology, Infographics, Music, Information Technology. Their learning journey was collated on a exciting google site which they were able to share on the evening.

Importantly students were able to share their action as a result of their new understandings. Families that attended were both proud and amazed at their children’s articulation of their learning.

“Your passion, interest, and connection to your inquiry was so inspiring! Congratulations and good luck with your action…be agents of change!!” (parent feedback)

“What a fabulous show of learning…you are the change makers year 5’s!!”

“It was great to see everyone getting involved in global goals. Fantastic enquiring skills as well. Great Job.”

Article shared by Lisa PYP Coordinator

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