Year 5 Camp

12 April 2024

The Bonds of Resilience and Empathy

Throughout the Year 5 camp to Illawonga on the majestic Murray River near Swan Reach, students demonstrated resilience and empathy across a variety of activities, including Trangia cooking, raft building, kayaking, setting up tents, a cave expedition, archery, paddle boating, swimming, orienteering, pedal cars, and team challenge activities.

During Trangia cooking sessions, students faced the challenge of preparing meals outdoors using portable stoves. Despite initial difficulties, they showed flexibility by experimenting with different recipes, adapting to cooking in an unfamiliar environment, and supporting each other in meal preparation.

When the students tackled kayaking, they displayed great courage by overcoming their fears and learning new skills on the water. They showed compassion by assisting classmates who needed help paddling or navigating, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the group.

Setting up their tents for the night required patience and cooperation. Through this activity, they developed resilience by working together to problem-solve and adapt to the changing weather conditions. They showed great generosity in supporting classmates who needed some extra assistance assembling their shelter.

During the cave expedition, students encountered dark and confined spaces. They supported each other through the experience, offering encouragement and help to classmates who felt anxious or unsure. They especially enjoyed looking for fossils whilst inside the cave. Learning about the river ecosystem and the geological history of the area was particularly fascinating for students to learn about.

The Pedal cars and team challenges provided opportunities for students to work together towards a common goal. They showed hardiness by persevering through physical challenges and setbacks, whilst shouting out words of encouragement to their teammates.

Across the various camp activities, students consistently exhibited resilience in the face of challenges and empathy towards their peers. These experiences not only strengthened their individual skills and character but also fostered a sense of unity and mutual support within the cohort. Overall camp in 2024 was an outstanding experience.

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