Old Scholars

The St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association represents many generations of former students.

A way to maintain friendships and connection

Combining the history of three schools — St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School, Woodlands Church of England Girls Grammar School and St Peter’s Glenelg Anglican Grammar School — the St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association represents many generations of former students.

The Old Scholars Association organises reunion events, scholarships and newsletters, as well as maintaining our school museum.

It is a wonderful way to maintain connections and friendships that you have made through your involvement with your school.

To update your contact details on our Old Scholars’ database and to find out more about class reunions please contact us.

Upcoming Reunions

A wonderful way to maintain connections and friendships that you have made through your involvement with your school.

The Elaine Balfour-Ogilvy Memorial Scholarship

The Elaine Balfour Ogilvy  Memorial Scholarship is available to a Year 5 student who attends St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School to apply for as a subsidy to their Year 6 school fees. It was created by the Woodlands Old Scholars in honour of an old scholar, one of the Australian Army nurses who died in the horror of war after the fall of Singapore.

Stay in Touch

To receive invitations, latest news and publications please ensure your details are up to date. If your details have changed recently, or if you’re unsure we have your correct details, please submit them by completing the online form.

    Your residential address

    Your postal address

    Be a Part of History

    The very walls of the school hold an abundance of rich history and memories, and we continue to honour this and look for ways to pass these stories on to upcoming generations of students. We would love to hear those treasured moments of your schooling years that beyond those told in yearbooks or school records. This is an opportunity to reflect and share those precious stories with us. Please click the link below to have your stories included in our history.


      St Peter's Woodlands Old Scholars' Newsletter

      St Peter's Woodlands Old Scholars' Newsletter

      A newsletter for Old Scholars' of Woodlands, St Peter's Glenelg and St Peter's Woodlands

      100 Years of Education - Stories through history

      2023 marked 100 Years of Education on the site of 39 Partridge Street, Glenelg. The very walls of the school hold an abundance of rich history and memories, and we continue to honour this and look for ways to pass these stories on to upcoming generations of students. In this year of celebration, we heard from old scholars and their experience of schooling.



      We are pleased to accept donations towards Millington Bursary, Elaine Balfour-Ogilvy Scholarship and Newsletter.

      Donate now


      Application for Membership

      Membership to the St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association is open to all past students from Woodlands Church of England Girls Grammar School, St Peter’s Glenelg School and St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School.

      Complete your online Application for Membership here.

      Alternatively, please return the form (with payment) below to:

      St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School
      39 Partridge Street,
      Glenelg SA 5045

      E: [email protected]


      Old Scholars’ Application for Membership Download
      Old Scholars’ Constitution Download
      2024 AGM Minutes Download
      2024 Financial Report Download
      2024 Presidents Report Download

      Contact Us

      Alison Cleland (’74)
      E. [email protected]
      P: 0407 771 908

      Secretary & Treasurer
      Lesley Woods (’76)
      E. [email protected]

      Committee Members
      Deborah Arnold (’71)
      Pamela Brown (’61)
      Jenny Thomas (’80)

      E: [email protected]

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