Extra-Curricular activities to suit all interests

24 May 2024

The Importance of Extra Curricular activities in Primary Education

At St Peter’s Woodlands, we believe in nurturing the whole child by offering a broad spectrum of extra and co-curricular activities through sports, the arts, and academic programs. These activities play a pivotal role in our student’s development, equipping them with lifelong skills and a balanced approach to learning and living. During the primary years, we believe it is critical to prioritise a rich education in the classroom and engagement through sports, artistic activities, and academic enrichment outside the classroom.

Sport in the Primary Years: Building Blocks for Lifelong Wellbeing

Holistic Development Through Sport
At SPW, sports are more than just physical activities. Physical activity is integral to the holistic development of our students, providing them with a ‘toolbox’ of technical, physical, and mental skills. These experiences help children grow into well-rounded individuals who can tackle various challenges with confidence and resilience. It also serves as an effective vehicle for promoting the critical message of winning and losing, a skill that challenges all of us, both young and old.

Learning Teamwork and Leadership
By participating in sports, students learn the essence of teamwork and leadership. They understand what it means to work together and commit to shared goals, and work hard to achieve them. These lessons in teamwork and leadership are invaluable, teaching students about service, commitment, and the importance of playing fairly and respecting others.

Social Skills and Lifelong Physical Activity
Sports offer rich social experiences that help children develop communication and cooperation skills. These interactions teach them to respect differences and work harmoniously with others. Additionally, early involvement in sports helps establish lifelong physical activity patterns, promoting overall health and well-being.

Building Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
Achieving goals and overcoming challenges in sports boosts students’ self-confidence and self-esteem. This confidence spills over into other areas of their lives, helping them face academic and personal challenges with a positive mindset.

From Reception to Year 6, a wide range of activities are offered, including dance, gymnastics, tennis, taekwondo, basketball, cricket, netball, football, volleyball, tee ball, and soccer during specific sports lessons and after-school sports practice. A weekly Run Club operates to help children develop their fitness.

Team sport plays a large part in the St Peter’s Woodlands school community. Your child can participate in year-level sporting teams and have the opportunity to participate in district and state SSSA and knockout competitions. We also host Touch Football, Netball, and Volleyball Development Squad programs, providing opportunities for your child to learn skills from various experienced coaches within their relevant sporting code.

The Arts in the Primary Years: Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking

Creativity in a Changing World
The arts are a vital part of our curriculum at SPW, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills essential in today’s rapidly evolving world. Through activities like music, dance, drama, and visual arts, children learn to think outside the box, observe keenly, and analyse various perspectives.

Cognitive and Language Development
Engagement in the arts enhances cognitive abilities and language skills. Whether it’s reading music, composing a piece, learning dance steps, creating a painting, or acting and singing in a musical or choir, students develop new concepts, build vocabulary, and acquire new languages. These skills are transferrable to other academic areas and enrich their overall learning experience.

Teamwork and Understanding Diversity
The arts teach students to collaborate effectively, appreciating the diversity and different perspectives each member brings. This understanding fosters a sense of community and prepares students to thrive in a diverse world.

Creating Lasting Memories
At SPW, we encourage our students to create lasting memories through various performances, concerts, and musicals. These events not only showcase their talents but also build their confidence and sense of achievement, leaving them with fond memories of their school years.

St Peter’s Woodlands has a flourishing Arts program. One-on-one instrumental and voice tuition is delivered by specialist tutors in our purpose-built Music Suite. Various musical groups are available including Show Choir, Chapel Choir and Band, Junior Glee and various ensembles.

A School musical is presented each year, with Junior and Senior Musicals on offer. All children are welcome to participate with a plethora of ways to get involved.

Co-Curricular Academic Activities: Enhancing Critical Thinking and Citizenship

Building Confidence and Citizenship Skills
To build confidence, citizenship skills, and extend children’s critical thinking, St Peter’s Woodlands offers a Co-Curricular Academic Program. Students can choose to participate in a range of activities including Tournament of Minds, Debating, Public Speaking, Oliphant Science, Primary Maths Challenge, and the IPSHA Poetry Recital.

Wide Range of Academic Opportunities
SPW offers numerous opportunities for students to engage in academic and similar activities beyond the classroom. These include Art Club, Chess Coaching, STEM Club, Robotics/Code Club, and the Ethics Olympiad. These programs are designed to challenge students intellectually and help them develop a love for learning.

Join Us in Celebrating the Whole Child

At St Peter’s Woodlands, we are proud to offer a rich array of sports, arts, and academic programs that support the holistic development of our students. We believe that these activities are essential for helping children learn to manage their time, balance work and leisure, and develop a lifelong appreciation for wellbeing.

Explore our programs and see how we foster a love for learning, creativity, and physical activity in every child. Together, let’s build a foundation for a bright and balanced future.

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