Showing 211-216 of 218

  • Year 6 - Alpha Youth Program

    ...outside the Chapel. AnglicareSA representatives will join us in Chapel in week 9 to receive our donations. Let’s be a community that blesses others this Christmas. Details here    ...

  • Coach the Coaches

    An initiative to upskill our school team coaches During the holidays, the PE Department hosted a new initiative, Coach the Coaches. The program provided our parent community and Kelly Sports...

  • PFA Wrap Up

    ...are delighted to relaunch the Monday Afternoon BBQ’s! Come and grab a sausage or two next term! Upcoming Event – Mother’s Day Stall This year our Annual PFA Mother’s Day...

  • Sports Day & Cross Country

    ...shower, which didn’t come close to dampening the amazing house spirit. Congratulations to all of our students on persisting, doing their best and showing grit when the going got tough....

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